AMP Instagram

Instagram Posts and Videos

Embed instagram videos and photos into your AMP HTML files.

الاستخدام الأساسي

Instagram photos are embedded via the instagram data-shortcode, which is found in every instagram photo URL. Many instagrams are square. When you set layout="responsive" any value where width and height are the same will work.

Non-Square Images

If the image is not square, width and height should be the actual width and height of the instagram image.

حقوق التأليف والنشر © 2016 من قبل موبيوس ستوديو

عنوان: Lipsum شارع أبجد
طريقة PO 60009 دولور / ألاسكا

هاتف: +1 234 56 78

فاكس: +1 876 54 32

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